Wednesday, December 25, 2013


When I saw the picture below,  I immediately thought of myself and a few other women I know. Sometimes as women we give and give to "please" the man in our lives. But truth be told if he is really the man that God created you for there would be no grey areas, no you doing all the work and putting forth all the extra effort.  It's easy for some to make things easy when you care for someone.  But truth be told Men don't like easy! They want someone that is going to challenge them. Make them want to be better and do more. Keep being a convenient Camille when he continuously leaves you boiling on the back burner. You will end up resentful and unhappy.  Allow a man to be a MAN and work for something. Now a days just about everyone is giving away the "cookie" and it takes a smile and a "GM" text to get that. So think about it are you with Mr. RIGHT or settling with Mr. RIGHT NOW???? Are you giving away all of yourself without him earning anything??? What is he bringing to the table??? No need to be overzealous for a man that is not meant to be your forever.  Take your time, break the cycle of rushed relationships and empty words.

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