Saturday, January 11, 2014

"Good on You"

I made you who you are. I showed you things when your mind couldnt think that far. I've helped you when there was NO you. I paid my dues and your bills but who's left standing in the rain? Too little too late. Now you really want to date. Im good on that, and im good on you. Your facade. You have others fooled, but im hip to you. Keep the fakest one's just for fun but at the end of the day your life is a game. A game I refused to play in any longer and now im stronger. Took off those rosey shades and relized my life is filled with much better days. You made me broken and a tad bit crazy. Even some of my "friends" turn their backs to me. You were never there when it mattered most and thats why my heart was shattered and broke. Its back together and im facing any weather. Im good on you, I'm done schooling you. Take what I taught and continue to let people use you. One day you will see that I gave all of me. It wasnt in vein because I actually gained. In the end I win. Reconstruction was needed but my heart stopped bleeding and pleading for you. So at the end of the day in every way I'm good on you. Ashley Alexandria @model_walk_ash

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