Monday, May 19, 2014


Has anyone ever told you that you would never be something,  or that you could never do something.  Well, I was looking at this rose I received on Mother's Day and thought how could something so beautiful come from something so messy and filthy as dirt. Then I had an ah ha moment. The Rose symbolizes us and dirt symbolizes our life. We must go through some icky, dark, messy places to truly grow into what we are purposed to be. The Rose started out as a seed, if it wasn't for the dirt it wouldn't have been able to grow. It needed fertile land to grow. Just like  God desires us to be fertile land. In the bible it tells us there a 3 kinds of soil; the rocky place,  the shallow soil, and fertile soil,  now good deciples bear good fruit. So good seeds grow into beautiful flowers. That mess, that dirt that you endured has PURPOSE. You needed to be broken hearted so that your focus can be shifted from pleasing your partner to pleasing God, you needed to be evicted so you can stop bragging about how you were able to do this and that God wants and deserves the glory,  you needed to know that your friends aren't your friends so you can know that God is a true friend of yours indeed!  You needed to be in that lonely place so you could cry out to God! YOU NEEDED THE DIRT!!! Stop complaining,  stop wandering, stop searching,  stop going back to people that hurt you.  Dust yourself off and move forward.


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