Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Do it for Glory!

Without my story, I would have no basis or proof first hand of how great the Lord is. All of my tests gave me a testimony! Alot of us are being held by our past mistakes. I wasn't going to post this tonight BUT something inside said "DO it now!" So here it is. LET IT GO! The hurt, the anger, the pain, the rage, LET IT GO! Stop torturing yourself over things that have happened in the past. I say this all the time. God wants us to play "Ding, Dong, Ditch he wants us to knock on his door (pray and ask for help), drop ALL of our junk (hurt, pain, fear, worries, etc) on his doorstep and RUN from our junk! Don't even look back just drop the junk and run. Cry your last year and move on. You can't move forward by walking backwards. There is no time like the present to choose to be free from your past.

If you need help just say:

Lord help me to be freed from this _______(insert issue) help me to focus on you. You are where my strength comes from and with you there is nothing I can not accomplish. Thank you for what you have helped me to endure for there is purpose for all things. Please renew my mind so that I can have a fresh outlook on my future. Thank you! Amen.


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