Thursday, May 8, 2014

Strawberries... lol

Have you ever really looked at a strawberry? My son told me he didn't eat the last two because they had seeds. I chuckled and informed him that all strawberries have seeds. Then I immediately thought how we as people have seeds in us from before we are born. God put something special inside each of us. As we grow in our faith and in life the seed grows and grows. It is activated so to speak as we walk in our purpose and grow closer with the Lord. I battled with feeling lost, lonely, and purposeless. I thank God I didn't sit in that long. I activated my purpose. Instead of living to please people I live to please God. There's something awesome about knowing that my steps are ordered by the most high! I live my lifr NOT so others will look at me and say, "Ashley is good!" I want people to look at me and say, "God is so good!" I say all this to say NO MATTER where you are in life it is NEVER to late to live and go after your purpose. For those that are unsure think about what truly give you joy (children, writing, art, computers, mentoring, etc. ) Pray this prayer for clarity and understanding. Lord, please help me to live on purpose for you. I know that you woke me up for a reason God and i want to chase after whatever you have set out for me. I yearn for clarity to see where I need to be. Help me understand the area's in which I need to grow in lord. Help me lord. Thank you for not giving up on me although I give up on you at times. Thank you lord for never leaving me. Please renew my mind lord give me a fresh outlook and understanding. Amen. Now go be GREAT! =)

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