Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Gift♡

The truth of the matter is that EVERY day is unique, it's one of a kind. The question is are you wasting the gift of a new day? Every day is precious. Things may not go as YOU plan but that doesn't discount that you being alive to face those issues is still a gift from the Lord. Like I always say, if you have a pulse you have a purpose. Stop taking each day for granted, Tomorrow will not come for some of us. Appreciate life and know that YOU are here to fulfill a task. Embrace this journey. Stop looking to people to fill voids, stop looking to alcohol and drugs to fill voids, stop looking to sex to fill voids. It is NEVER to late to grow in a positive direction, being stagnant is never okay. Give the reins of your life back to God. It's time.. 
 -Ashley Alexandria

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