Monday, July 14, 2014

Wreck me....

One day recently I felt like I was in a tug of war between myself and what God needed of me. I felt as though I was in my own way, holding myself back. I'm sure many of you may have felt that same feeling.  As if your trying to get to the next level but you can't because the mess you have made for yourself is in the way.  Well, I literally prayed for God to wreck me and the plans I had for my life (and he didn't wait not a minute). I realized the things and people that I want may not be what I need. Growing in Christ I have learned there is a big difference between needs and wants. Before I was all about my wants,  now before I do anything I ask God,  "is this going to benefit you and the kingdom?" I make a conscious effort to go to my heavenly father with EVERYTHING.  When you are on a path to walking in your purpose, your destiny there are some habits that must get off the bus before the journey continues.  There are some people that must get off the bus before the journey continues,  there are some thoughts that must get off the bus before the journey continues. What are some habits, thoughts, people,  or activities that God needs to "wreck" and rid you off. Ask him! Make it clear,  he already knows the desires of our hearts but we must do our part. I knew for a long time I was different and that there was something on my life, I couldn't put it into words but I could feel it. Man, I did everything to run away but when God calls you, your called. There's no running and no hiding eventually you have to accept the call and walk upright. Developing a relationship with our heavenly father is the best relationship to invest in. We invest time, money, and energy into people who can really only do but so much for us. The moment we give our whole hearts to God there is no greater love you will experience.  I challenge you all to write down what you feel needs to be "wrecked" so you can be restored and in alignment for your greater.

-Ashley Alexandria

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