Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Get the Clue...

Everyone wants Heaven but nobody wants to die. We want our dreams to come true but don't believe we can fly. We don't want to work in the dirt to see the fruit holding onto a lie trying to make it truth. Will we ever get the clue? The clue to understand what's true. The truth about me, the truth about you, created to be a blessing to the world not hold ourselves captive pretending to only to be pretty little girls or unemotional little boys it all seems like a ploy. Distract them from their purpose they don't even believe their worth it. Claiming Christ but doing Satan's work, part time with no benefits are you a clerk? Department store mind frame picking an choosing when to stand up and when to be useless. Harsh reality indeed it may be but Christ didn't just die for me, He died for you shed blood and bruised not in vain if you stand up and get a clue.
-Ashley Alexandria

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