Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Prayed for you...

Couldn't sleep so I prayed for you.  I prayed for peace to cover you. For joy to dwell and fear to flee. In God's company you shall be. I couldn't sleep so I prayed for you, that you're lead by the ultimate leader who freed us. I couldn't sleep so I prayed for you,  for your desires aligned with His will to come true.  That you forgive yourself and move forward with passion and pride not to brag but to widen your stride. To show yourself approved because with God you never did lose. Mistakes made but lessons learned.  I couldn't sleep so I prayed for you. I prayed for your mom too, for your family to be comforted and covered. To know the ultimate comforter. I couldn't sleep so I prayed for you, for you to rest and prepare for the best. I couldn't sleep so I prayed for you. I don't always know how or why but I know who. I couldn't sleep so I prayed for you and whether this ever reaches you just know someone prayed for you.

-Ashley Alexandria

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