Sunday, October 11, 2015


Transparent Moment: I've learned that as life is a journey we grow through a lot of processes. Contrary to this fallen worlds popular belief, nothing is instant. Nothing that is genuine or authentic. True healing is a process, true love is a process, developing in your gift(s) is a process, forgiveness is a process, there is a process to all things. I'd rather grow through at the Lords pace than to rush and find myself off course. Is it easy- far from it. Is it always fun- nope. But the end result, will be beautiful. Never forget those diamonds that they say are a girls best friend began as dirty coal! Until it went through a PROCESS. A process full of pressure. Never lose focus, keep God first and allow the Lord to lead you in ALL THINGS. I'm praying for ya💕#transparency #pressingthrough #movingFORWARD #thinkin #DONTabortthePROCESS #Godiscraaazyfaithful #pressure #diamonds #coaltodiamonds #mindsetshift #GobeGREAT #GodFIRST #GROWthrough 

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