Sunday, July 20, 2014


A big word that causes us all to trip, be aware of your thoughts. Being aware will save you a lot of time and pain. Don't allow your blessings to be blocked because you are too busy being jealous of someone else's. What is for you is for YOU. There is nothing more to it. It is already YOURS. I find myself feeling like "geesh if I only..." That statement alone can set me up, set me back, or have me right in the same place. I try to stay aware of the things I think and say. So I ALMOST found myself saying "if I only had-" Before I could totally form the thought I immediately said "thank you Lord for all that I have. Thank you for what you have done, are doing now, and about to do." I'm human, I tend to do human things BUT I'm learning to actually think about my thoughts. May sound crazy but some of you will understand. You have to train your mind. When you are in the world but not of it, distractions are EVERYWHERE. Focus is critical and your mind is a war zone at times. But the fight is worth fighting. Don't settle. Set yourself in a position to WIN IN LIFE. Live don't just exist. Time isn't waiting for you, believe it or not you can be left behind and you will. I encourage you to guard your mind. Step up to the plate and BE GREAT! -Ashley Alexandria @ashley_alexandria_

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