Thursday, August 21, 2014


In my blatant cries for I, the thought of you passes by. Selfishly needy I forgot that you may need me. Don't leave me. I'll do what you say and say what you do. Help me to be true. True to you. With out you I'm nothing but with you I have everything. From the beginning to the end you cover me.

Lord I pray that you will help us to to be focused on you, that we will not be distracted but determined to put you first. We need you now more than ever. Search us and remove any and everything that is not of you. Renew our minds, change our hearts.  Allow us not to become like others or the world but like you. I pray for peace, for protection,  for healing.  Lord help us. We thank you for all that you have done, all that you are doing,  and all that you are about to do. Guide us Lord. We love you and we praise your holy name. 


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