Thursday, February 20, 2014

Acknowledge your power source!

In order to get to a better place in life you have to overcome some things. In order to grow there will be a struggle. I found myself feeling a literal tug of war going on within myself. My spirit and my mind were battling, LITERALLY! I'm at a place of growth and elevation so alot of the things I used to think, say, do, or feel have no place in me any longer. The only thing I can do is pray. People with the idea that the Christian life is perfect need to wake up! We are all people and we ALL go through trials and hardships. Hardships have a way of keeping you humble. NOBODY is going to live a life free of trials, let's make that clear. The faith that we have in God to see us and strengthen us through the struggle is what makes us able to overcome.. You need to understand that you may be going through a hardship in order to gain something useful to help you. God does everything with purpose, trust in Him. There is power in knowing where your strength comes from. You can overcome anything in your way! With God ALL things are possible.

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