Thursday, February 13, 2014

Move on and LET IT GO!

Alot of us are struggling with letting the past be the past. The past does NOT determine who you are as a person. Like the scripture says " When I was a child I did childish things..." You cannot hold your future hostage because of the fear that your past has holding onto you. The sooner we accept that life is not a perfect journey and it does not go as you always plan, we will be better as a people. I'm sure you have heard that phrase, "You learn something new everyday." Well life is about learning and experiencing alot of different things. You will never discover your purpose if your stuck replaying the days of your past. I'm here to tell you it is OKAY! That friend that betrayed you, God is sending you a better friend that will be true and speak life into your life. That person that raped you, God has already dealt with that person. Release that hurt. That teacher that was negative and laughed at your dreams, God has already laid the foundation for you to succeed. Show that teacher and anyone else that doubted you that you serve an almighty God that always provides for his children. That parent that neglected you. Parents are people, NONE of them have it all together. Even if you think you have the perfect parent(s) trust me they have a history. Do not condemn your parent (s) for not knowing how to be there or love and nourish you how you need(ed) them to. Pray for them, do not give up on them. You know most of us teach our parents how to grow up. It's apart of your journey and theirs. That boyfriend or girlfriend you spent years trying to prove your love and dedication to. It didn't work because it was not meant to be. What is supposed to be will be, God makes no mistakes. When he takes away he gives what is needed! Stop reaching back in your past and dusting off those that have wronged you and disrespected you. I'm not saying some friendships cannot be reestablished, they can. But if that person is still in the same place from when you left them, there's a problem. I say all this to say do not let you past continuously keep you from moving toward your greater. Your past does not determine your future or who you are. Your future will show you and others the true you. If you need a little encouragement to let I go say this prayer: Lord God I come to you asking for your help. Lord help me to let go of the people and things that are holding me back from getting closer to you and closer to a better me. I pray for every person that has wronged me. I pray that when other's look at me they see you. Lord grant me the wisdom to know when to let go and move on. I thank you for all that you have done and all that you are doing lord God. Thank you for keeping me. Amen.

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