Sunday, February 9, 2014

Check Up: Relationships

Saw this picture and it spoke to me. Made me think about how much man needs woman. Women were created to be helpers to man. God made two of every animal and then from Adams rib he made a partner for man. Nowadays you would think men have no respect for women and their role. A lot of women have lost respect for themselves. From the glorification of being messy and living a life consumed with drama it's hard for women to find their voice. When it comes to a man and a woman they are to be partners, teammates if you will. A lot of people are living in a fantasy world full of the "gimmies". Thinking someone is supposed to give them whatever they want just because. Relationships take WORK! You build a foundation with a person that is not one sided. You nurture each other and help one another be better. Yes a man is to provide BUT that does not mean you should not help. How can your man provide if all you do is take or complain? Yes your man is supposed to protect you but if you keep putting yourself in unpleasant situations how do you think he feels? Somehow some think that being submissive to your man is being weak. BUT the problem is within these situationships (got that word from my hommie, Brian James, @iambrianjames) Women settling for pieces of a man and some men settling for pieces of a woman. STOP IT! Know your worth! It is time to mend broken hearts and heal old wounds. If you love someone and your in a healthy relationship, do what it takes to make it work. Stop living out your relationship on social media seeking confirmation from people that are just being nosey in the first place. The sooner you keep other's that lack positivity and good will for you, the better you and your relationship will be. Your man needs you to be his support system to encourage and uplift him. Men your woman needs you to assure her of your love and leadership over your relationship. Treat your woman how you want your daughter's future husband to treat her. We have made relationships harder than they have to be. If you are interested in someone tell them, if they're not interested in you move on! Stop dwelling! Let's choose happiness people! ♡

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