Wednesday, March 26, 2014

You are not alone....

Soo I was up late doing some reading and this really struck something inside of me. We tend to complain and grumble and ask "Why me?" But the real question is "why NOT me?" If the devil tempted JESUS what makes you think you are exempt from trials and hardships.  The key to being in the midst of a difficult moment or season is knowing where your strength comes from. God allows us to be tested so that we may be elevated and trusted with more.  We are entitled to living a life of abundance but you have to be reliable and responsible.  When you were younger and you asked your parents or guardian for money to go to the ice cream truck I'm pretty sure they didn't give you a $100 and send you on your way. They knew that you were not responsible enough to be entrusted with that much money. Same thing with God he knows that you are not capable of certain things so those trials and tribulations are your training.  No everything will not go as YOU plan because you are not in total control. Spend more time with God and less time on social networks trying to be someone else. Be patient,  Have Faith,  and trust that the Lord will provide and never fail you. Your time is coming... You are not alone,  everyone has trials even Jesus but he was steadfast and did not give in. Stop giving in to what others want you to be and do. BE your authentic self! You are a masterpiece. 


1 comment:

  1. I love you Ashley Poo....Your FAV-O-RITE Auntie!
