Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Pressing Forward

"....DO not be afraid and ONLY believe" Mark 5:36 A while ago a lady by the name of Stephanie McDaniel, followed me on Instagram and naturally I followed her back. She is one of the most awesome women that I have crossed paths with. She was given the vision to do a 5 week teleconference. I am grateful for her obedience. Tonight's call's guest speaker was ironically a lady I recently met at a recent book signing for Sarah Jakes, her name is Jennifer Lucy Tyler. Tonight's message was about Faith. Boy oh boy were my ears OPEN because faith is one of my favorite words, the other is believe. It is time to step out and step up from our comfy place! It Is time for those who believe in God and all of his greatness to put the non believers outside of our show. I always say everyone is not meant to be in your front row forever. Those people who are constantly unsupportive and negative they have to go! As Jennifer said tonight, "it is time to press on and pursue the vision that God had placed in YOU." There comes a time when you have to realize you can be comfortable in your uncomfortability. You will be uncomfortable because you are growing through things to elevate you to better. Yet you can be comfortable in knowing that God has you covered. Alot of us are on the cusp of greatness, but are afraid to step up. Afraid of what he will say or she will say, get out of your own way! Shift your focus to God. Everyone that knew you before will try to compare you to who you once were. God gave you a clean slate, you're not "acting" brand new you are renewed. Everyone has a past and the past is just that. When you live whole heartedly for God and your purpose other's will speculate and ridicule you because they don't understand. Don't live below who you are in God to make others comfortable. BE WHO YOU ARE IN CHRIST! Imagine what is on the other side of the door that you are afraid to open. If only you knew the amazing things God is ready to do with you.

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