Wednesday, April 30, 2014

When it rains...

The non stop rain for the past 2 days has been a little messy to say the least. Can you imagine it raining for 40 days and 40 nights? Me either sheesh! With all the rain of course my mind started racing lol. Alot of people get upset when it rains, others are relaxed by it The rain is necessary for plant life to grow. Same way trials come in your life to make you grow. When things happen in your life you may feel like the sky is falling and it's too heavy of a burden to carry. Like there's too much rain falling. Don't fall, stand up and pray. Use the Lord to be your umbrella to protect you from the rain storms in your life. Rain is a necessity, it is necessary for you to go through certain things so you can GROW. When God created you he put something called purpose inside of you, when you plant a seed you put it inside of soil. From the seed grows a plant. You nurture it, water it, and even have to prune it from time to time. Are you seeing what I am saying? Just like that seed that has been planted, a seed of purpose has been planted inside of YOU. It is necessary for you to get rained on sometimes, it is necessary for you to get pruned or cut sometimes. Those branches (friends) that are dead weight have to go. Embrace the rain. You are equipped to weather the storm.


  1. Very true indeed. Rain is a necessity in life and in our personal lives as well. We all go through rough patches and have turmoil but be thankful for there are those who would love to be in your position. Some complain of knee pain while others would love to walk again. Some complain about their jobs or bosses while others pray that the Lord bless them with a job. We must be thankful and embrace tougher times so that we may help someone else do the same. At that time; we may be just the testimony that they needed.

  2. Wow that's jus so real & Deep . But I Love it well said ☆☆☆ #DjMarcus
