Thursday, June 5, 2014


Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 Children are like sponges they soak up all that they see and hear from people in their lives. Our job as parent's is to teach and guide them to the right things. It is okay to be angry and if they so happen to witness it be sure that they see the proper way to respond to anger. Ephesians 4:26 Cleary explains how to handle anger. I will give you the 3 directions that I learned from a local Pastor, Keith Battle. STEP 1: Be Angry STEP 2: but DO NOT sin STEP 3: Put a limit on your anger Know that anger is an emotion, that we as people don't really know, or were not informed on how to effectively handle. So, first know that being angry is NOT bad, it is natural. Be angry but do not sin, do not let your anger lead you to do or say inappropriate things. The text says not to let the sun set on your anger. It simply means be angry, feel how you feel but DO NOT stay there. Now sometimes other people make us angry and we think that if we do not display how angry we are that they may think we have dismissed the issue. It takes maturity and the strength of God to speak love and not hurtful words unto people that we feel have wronged us. Growth is a process and I pray this helps you♡ -Ashley Alexandria @Ashley_speaks_

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