Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Go vs Grow! =)

It's always easy to seek relationships that are pleasing to ourselves, yet we must think is this relationship pleasing to God? Is God apart of this relationship or is this all me trying to run the show yet again? Sometimes we stay in situations because we don't want to hurt the other person but if that friendship or relationship doesn't help either of you grow and be better then it is high time to reevaluate. Think of it like this, PULSE=PURPOSE if you still have a pulse you still have a purpose, don't continue to waste your time here on Earth trying to please people. Choose the Lord and please him, he NEVER fails. #askGod #inspiration #positivity #motivation #empowerment #positivityALLOWED #iminthehelpingbusiness #thinkaboutit #relationshipcheck #selfcheck #DObetter

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