Saturday, August 30, 2014

My Crown♡

I held you down you held my crown... away from me.... what I knew I couldn't see. Deep inside I knew my worth but you didn't speak to the queen in me. You threw my crown as if it was a paper good. But the good is that someone was waiting for me, from day one before this even begun. You see every queen needs a king and that's why he never flees. He was there for me. I was afraid to commit to him but he proposed once again and I had to say yes. It's official ring some bells Jesus has saved me from my hell. I was hurt and abused felt like I had nothing to lose but I did. If I were to sit and sulk I'd miss out on my mission. Don't miss the mission because you're afraid of submission. He died for me and I die to me daily so we can be one. In 2 corinthians 5 and 17 it is written that; Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. So if we're fact checkin and cross referencing let's understand that the old me is through, he has made me new. The fight is real and Satan is waging war. I will succeed because it is He who strengthens me.

Instead of judging me try praying for me. Instead of tearing someone down try helping them up. Stop being rude and try to smile for once. LIVE and LOVE get out of your own way.
-Ashley Alexandria

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