Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Fellas! Set standards and deal breakers for the woman(future wife) that you want. Really observe her character, go out in group settings so you can see the REAL her lol. If she's chasing after you wrong one. Men are to approach and go after what they want. Somewhere someone decided that women should chase Men, totally NOT the way to go! If she's genuinely interested her actions and words will tell you. Pray for your future spouse. be in tune with the Holy Spirit so when it says, "Her!" Your on it! =) Don't settle, you deserve someone who will work as hard as you to develop and nurture a healthy relationship. Someone that doesn't just match your fly, but matches your grind! There's a vicious idea that being single is the worst thing ever, well a state of singleness is IMPERATIVE! Before you can try to be someone's man, you need to know WHO YOU REALLY ARE! Deal with your hurts and heal. If you don't you'll be searching for a woman to fix you and let's face it WE CANNOT FIX YOU! We were made to be helpmates NOT fixers. Stop trying to fix and fill things that only God can! More men need to know their true role and if you can't pray with and for the woman your with and care for her soul then a lot will go wrong. Men are leaders so LEAD if she doesn't know her true role, then pray that she learns it. Show her scripture that supports her role as a woman. With Christ at the center of the relationship a lot of unnecessary things can be avoided.
-Ashley Alexandria

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