Friday, October 3, 2014


It's hard to try to heal and move forward when the cause of your pain tries to ignore the symptoms.

Have you ever been hurt by someone that was supposed to love and care for you. I'm referring to a parent. Parents are supposed to love their children by default in a sense. But what happens when they don't know how to love, nurture, support, lead, guide, and teach? Well usually the child veers off trying to find the right path to take to love. Nine times out of ten it leads to hurt, brokenness, fear, and loneliness. There's always a wall up. The child tends to be guarded, but on the outside seems like a "normal" kid. That kid grows into a teenager. Oh how the world looks sweet to her. Dreams are like flashing lights. Bold. The teenager's wall falls brick by brick for a person that is slick enough to remove the cement. Falling from one trap to the next, no one notices the scrapes the teen has acquired. Until things go wrong and someone takes advantage robbing the teen of total control. Fast forward from broken relationships and forced friendships. The teen still finds themselves alone. Alone in a room full of people, crazy huh?. I was that child, that teen, now an adult still trying to heal. Daddy issues and soul ties are real. But there is someone that is beyond real and that's God. Wound by wound he heals me. Just what I need, when I need it. No I'm not perfect and I will never be but my God is. From rape to suicide attempts to witnessing infidelity issues, to depression. I counted myself out, I saw no reason to be here. But God continued to call me and he wanted to use me. All that I endured was for a purpose. No matter your past know that God is a healer and and way maker. Trust in the Lord♡ -Ashley Alexandria

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