Monday, January 5, 2015

Kingdom Love...

There are nights that I stay up way too late. Seeking the Lord and doing kingdom work. There are days when I'm up too early praying and praising. There are times I get out of bed to lay at our fathers feet. My husband will understand that my focus is the Lord and that I have work to do. He won't try to control my moves. He will guide me and love me as Christ does the church, He will know my true worth. He will encourage me and pray for me. He will teach me and I will listen earnestly. And there will be times when I don't want to hear him but I pray Lord that I keep this vision. The vision of Moses writing your commandments, I will listen and learn. We will compliment one another, We will serve one another, we will care for one another, we will love one another, we will pursue one another, we will teach one another, we will push one another toward you Lord, we will speak life into one another and your word over one another, we will never get comfortable and savor every moment. Lord you are at the center of this kingdom love, I know it is sent directly from above. In Jesus' name Amen

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