Saturday, September 12, 2015

Be Yourself...

Be yourself, two of the most powerful words of advice. They give you freedom to just be. But what about the days when your mind gets bum rushed with doubt, shame, and their first cousin guilt? You see in me I am powerless, believe it I am just dust. But one  day I confessed with my mouth and truly believed in my heart what I knew about Jesus and that was the start. Belief to believe in God more than I believe in me. To believe that He will always be. But you see the things I've endured left me with trust issues so now my view is skewed. I'm starting to refocus like 20/20 I started using clear eyes, had to read the word to realize that in my head were real lies. Far from truth, everyone talks about Ruth but Naomi had the wisdom. She lead and guided Ruth to be in position. Shoot, I want wisdom, give me truth! I'm powerful because of my youth. God said he'll never leave me and although everyone else did, I believe and I receive the okay to be free from my old self and be myself. 
-Ashley A. Porter

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