Saturday, December 19, 2015

On this day you will not give up!

Don't you dare turn back, don't you dare quit! Don't you dare give in. Press through, grow through! What's waiting for you on the other side is worth it! Yes it hurts, yes it's messy, yes you feel like you've lost your mind but allow the Lord to purge you of EVERYTHING that is not like Him. What is happening on the inside of you is preparing you for YOUR collision with destiny! This is just the beginning. Preparation takes dedication- it's not pretty and it surely isn't easy but it's necessary. We all want to be used but question when we begin to feel growing pains! We question when we're no longer in familiar territory. God is shifting and sifting choose where you want to be. It's time baby! Full court press- give it ALL you got and COME OUT VICTORIOUS! #movingFORWARD #Godiscraaaaazyfaithful #inHIMweWIN #DONTaborttheprocess

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