Thursday, January 14, 2016


Clouded dreams, reality or visions? Seeing things hallucinating-I think I'm trippin-contemplating. The love you have for me is crazy, you shed your blood for me. ME! Could this really be? Despite my attempts to take myself out, you had angels surrounding me, you picked me up when all I could do was fall. Falling at your feet, weeping I want to be complete! Not of things of this world, but of you-just give me you! I know I'm not here on an extended stay so let me not aimlessly pass the time away. Shape me, mold me, work me-all for your glory! Failed attempts at perfect-I know now it's not worth it. A wretch undone to be stretched and won-won over by you. Now that's truth. I never knew love until I loved you. Father thank you for holding me, healing me, freeing me, and always seeing me-I am yours.... You complete me👑
-Ashley A. Porter

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