Thursday, August 4, 2016


Grace saved me, although I didnt know I needed to be saved from me. Grace held me when I ran from your embrace. Thank you for grace. Father Im a wretch undone, that day I thought I  was truly done. But grace entered the room. Took the knife out of my hand. Thank you for grace. Grace kept me when my mind was all over the place. Your grace. Grace covered me. Didnt know I needed to be blessed that you found me. Thank you for grace💜

Tuesday, July 19, 2016



They say wait be patient, as if my hand is being held at the corner of a busy street. Wait don't give in, no no don't give up, hold fast don't keep pressing your luck. You just keep waiting, until the morning comes. This backward agenda as if I'm trapped in time like Sega. It all began in Genesis but you see Eve wasn't waiting on Adam... God put him to sleep then created her, she wasn't sexting and flexing and setting thirst traps for attention no. Kings recognize queens, they identify with royalty. Dont grow weary in well doing, you wanna act like Beyoncé but be found like Ruth see truth is she was found working ooh. Difficult concept for you boo boo, kitty  heel mind with eyes for  loubitan life isn't about throwing it back its about what you can give back not with your nose up high but your heart open wide. See you want love but infatuated with lust. Blind to the concept of trust. How do we right wrongs, reroute the strings that play our hearts song? The answer is like a sweet melody found in 1corinthians 4:13-7 "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres"  the wait sometimes sucks but it's worth it Gods never late  he's perfect.  he desires you to be great, so again I say wait. He's writing your love story in ink so don't think he forgot, he got you! Prepare for your moment of truth and just keep working Modern day Ruth... 

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Clouded dreams, reality or visions? Seeing things hallucinating-I think I'm trippin-contemplating. The love you have for me is crazy, you shed your blood for me. ME! Could this really be? Despite my attempts to take myself out, you had angels surrounding me, you picked me up when all I could do was fall. Falling at your feet, weeping I want to be complete! Not of things of this world, but of you-just give me you! I know I'm not here on an extended stay so let me not aimlessly pass the time away. Shape me, mold me, work me-all for your glory! Failed attempts at perfect-I know now it's not worth it. A wretch undone to be stretched and won-won over by you. Now that's truth. I never knew love until I loved you. Father thank you for holding me, healing me, freeing me, and always seeing me-I am yours.... You complete me👑
-Ashley A. Porter

Saturday, December 19, 2015

On this day you will not give up!

Don't you dare turn back, don't you dare quit! Don't you dare give in. Press through, grow through! What's waiting for you on the other side is worth it! Yes it hurts, yes it's messy, yes you feel like you've lost your mind but allow the Lord to purge you of EVERYTHING that is not like Him. What is happening on the inside of you is preparing you for YOUR collision with destiny! This is just the beginning. Preparation takes dedication- it's not pretty and it surely isn't easy but it's necessary. We all want to be used but question when we begin to feel growing pains! We question when we're no longer in familiar territory. God is shifting and sifting choose where you want to be. It's time baby! Full court press- give it ALL you got and COME OUT VICTORIOUS! #movingFORWARD #Godiscraaaaazyfaithful #inHIMweWIN #DONTaborttheprocess

Monday, October 12, 2015

Cast it!

It's easy to shift the hurt to God and think that He will probably treat us as people have. Be mindful not to adopt this way of thinking. God is not like the people who have hurt you, abandoned you, slandered your name, etc. Believe it or not each of those people and instances have taught you a life lesson and once you heal from the incident you are better equipped to help others and no longer be a victim, but a victor. The verses say CAST your burden or your care, let that thing go and give it to the ONLY one that can truly help. Don't stagnate your relationship with the Lord because you're expecting hurt, shame, disappointment, etc to come from it. #BREAKTHECYCLE  of expecting the worst! You are worthy of joy and that joy comes directly from the Lord!  "Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved." Psalm 55:22

"casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 #Godiscraaazyfaithful #mindsetshift #perspective #youareVICTORIOUS #activateyourFAITH #HewantstpHealyoufirst #trustGod #leaveitALLathisfeet #itstime #declareit #Faithup #movingFORWARD #BasicTrainingthebook #orderYours #amazon #barnesandnoble #GoalGettersMovement 

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Transparent Moment: I've learned that as life is a journey we grow through a lot of processes. Contrary to this fallen worlds popular belief, nothing is instant. Nothing that is genuine or authentic. True healing is a process, true love is a process, developing in your gift(s) is a process, forgiveness is a process, there is a process to all things. I'd rather grow through at the Lords pace than to rush and find myself off course. Is it easy- far from it. Is it always fun- nope. But the end result, will be beautiful. Never forget those diamonds that they say are a girls best friend began as dirty coal! Until it went through a PROCESS. A process full of pressure. Never lose focus, keep God first and allow the Lord to lead you in ALL THINGS. I'm praying for ya💕#transparency #pressingthrough #movingFORWARD #thinkin #DONTabortthePROCESS #Godiscraaazyfaithful #pressure #diamonds #coaltodiamonds #mindsetshift #GobeGREAT #GodFIRST #GROWthrough 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Piece of Peace

We all need a piece of peace. That special place where we can silence the noise of the day. Could it be that God has already said move but because we got complacent we didn't hear the instruction? What happens when our comfort zone is the total opposite?