Saturday, March 29, 2014

Choose YOU!

I seen this picture and it screamed at me! Lol. Seriously, so may words rushed to my mind about it. There comes a point in EVERYONES life when you have to choose YOU! Yes, men go through this too. They too get used and walked over and mistreated by so called "women" sad but it's true. When you are in a relationship of ANY form whether it be a relationship with a parent, a friend, a significant other, an aunt, cousin, whoever! If the relationship is unhealthy or in any way not positive step away and reevaluate. I always say everyone does not deserve to be "front row" of your life. We pray and pray for good people or right relationships and as soon as we get that break away from an unhealthy one we fight to hold on to it. Why? Glad you asked. We get comfortable with people and situations. We settle for "oh its not that bad." "it could be worse." "He says he's trying" "she said she's going to change" "One day things will get better" WHY WAIT FOR SOMEONE WHO IS COMPLACENT IN THEIR OWN SITUATION? The sooner you realize you CANNOT change anyone the faster you will be on the road to personal happiness. It is okay to guard your heart and put you first. Take from every relationship and situationship what you can and learn from it. Just move on. Stop allowing other people to call the shots in YOUR life. The moment you begin to put you first the "right" people you need NOT necessarily want will come. It is easy for us to let our wants to stand In the way of what we truly need. If your in in a relationship right now ask that person where is the relationship going. If you all are on 2 different pages there's no point. To date should mean to date with a purpose. If you don't have the same vision be friends every person is not supposed to be "the one" or treated as if they are the "one". Your future is so bright, start making educated decisions and pray about EVERYTHING! Worry about NOTHING! Trust everything will work out♡

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