Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Real...

Your worried about the wrong things. Flashy cars and diamond rings. Ya know designer things the so called finer things. But all that wears out it gives out. Nothing can shine brighter that you. That's why it's important to just be YOU. Some really have NO clue. Your thinking if you just had this then you could have that and when you get it you realize it's wack! Stay in your lane and stop playing games. There's a bigger purpose a bigger truth and guess what it's inside of YOU. It's simple those eyebrows you think are drawn for the gawwds are really for the circus! What's your purpose? You beautifully and wonderfully made so why change? No shade. Just a thought. I wonder how many men are praying for a real woman and meanwhile your too busy playing in Mac and twerkin to see him. Where the morals at? I can't be alone. Half of ya'll are clones. You want that because "she" got it. Be Your own and have your own. Pave the way not travel a much well traveled lane. Now men let's be clear NO REAL WOMAN wants a nigga ya hear! We want stability, protection, affection. You trynna be hard for ya man's but who's holding your hand? It's her. Don't take for granted the one in your corner. Be her friend, her provider, her safe haven and man. Stand up and stand tall be prepared to catch her if she falls. It's your responsibility to be strong but be open not such and close curtain. Let's be great and reach our fate. So much negativity that it's hard to see the light at the end but I want to see us WIN. Time for us to rise again.

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