Saturday, May 24, 2014

Swiper NO swiping

The picture shows the last line of a post I wrote about pride. It was so powerful after I wrote it I read it about 3 times. I had to stop and really look at it like WOW!  No one can steal your joy from you, it's in your heart and joy is an amazing feeling. But that pesky pride will have you living in hell. What we fail to realize is that the enemy is doing his job when we when begin to act in hate and not love, when we're gossiping about others, even when we doubt ourselves, and definitely when  we doubt God. The enemy wants to veer us off course, he sees the potential that is inside and what your future may hold.  Acting in pride will have you miserable.  Trust me I used to be the queen of grudges, you can ask anyone that knows me, I was an evil something.  I held in all the anger from everyone that hurt me and when someone else hurt me I spewed  out all the hurt like venom. It was horrible. I didn't know how to properly heal wounds. I compare it to putting a band aid on a wound that needs stitches. I put band aids over things that needed surgery. Until I read a book by Joyce Meyer entitled "Do Yourself a Favor and Forgive" After reading a few chapters I picked up the phone and called someone that had hurt me in many ways, and I had hurt her as well. She was totally speechless,  had no idea of what to say. Til this day I don't believe she ever apologized for what she has done but I'm okay with that, I handled business to free myself.  I then went on to apologize to someone else, it felt like weights had been lifted off. I felt God smiling on me for standing up and listening to him. As I drew closer to him,  my wounds began to heal. Now,  I still have a few, I always say I am under construction lol.  I encourage you to choose Joy today. Choose YOURSELF today. Get out of your own way and GO BE GREAT!  When are you going to become a VICTOR and stop trying to be a victim.  Stop trying to throw pity parties for yourself.  Depend on God,  he is in fact a strong tower, waiting for you to come to him and prepare for healing.

Be blessed!  =)

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