Friday, September 5, 2014

Be a blessing!

This afternoon I put some bantu knots in my hair, I've never done them when my hair was dry. So I figured why not try it. I should have known by how hot it is outside that the cute style once taken down was not going to last very long. I realized this as I was sitting in my car waiting in my son's schools' parking lot. I couldn't find a hair tie so I conveniently walked across the parking lot to my apartment. Fixed my hair and proceeded back to my car. As I was coming down the stairs I noticed a lady by her car, not knowing she needed help. I kindly greeted her and said, " how you doing? " She replied that she was trying to figure out how to get a box out of her car and upstairs. She was a bit older and used a cane. I told her I would help. She had a friend that had taken some other bags over by the entrance and was catching her breath. The lady told me I could sit the box with her and they'll figure out how to drag it. She then asked, " how much for you to take it all the way upstairs" I immediately told her nothing. So I took some more of her bags and her friend and I proceeded to the elevator. As I was getting off of the elevator she was getting on. I held the door for her and she asked, "do I owe you anything! ?!" Of course I told her no. She asked me my name and told me hers. Her name is Ms. Barbara. I told her to have a good weekend and she replied, " you have have a blessed one" I was a bit frustrated from ministry things not going as easy as I would like. On top of having to walk back and forth in this heat. Good thing I listened to the Holy Spirit when I contemplated on whether or not to bring a bag. Since I had a bag I was able to put my things in it and better help Ms. Barbara. As I walked to my car I just thanked God that I could be a blessing to help Ms. Barbara. While I was about to get into my mess I was interrupted and used to help someone in need. So the next time you are about to throw a pity party for yourself don't RSVP tell your crazy emotions to hush and use that energy to be productive. GO BE GREAT! -Ashley Alexandria

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