Monday, September 15, 2014


We search high and low to see which way to go but if we just STOP thinking we posses all the answers, LOOK at what the word says, and LISTEN for what God wants us to do we will be in a much better place. Know that there is power in being obedient to God. There's an order and when we buck the system and try to lead with our way we fall and fall hard. Now for some, you may think or feel like you have it made but Satan has you right where he wants you, COMFORTABLE! He doesn't budge when you wake up, in fact he's excited. Yes, you say you love Jesus but that's where it ends. The Lord is tired of fence riders, he's ready for people to ACTIVELY work during this journey of life until you are called home. We get comfy here and go crazy trying to keep up to buy things that depreciate in value within days. God deems YOU valuable and you won't lose your value to him. Know your worth. You are destined for greatness. There's purpose in you and NOBODY can execute it but you. He's waiting for you to answer the call that is on your life. The time is now.
-Ashley Alexandria

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