Thursday, September 4, 2014

With you...

As I walked my son to school this morning ( it's his 3rd day of Kindergarten) I anticipated the moment when we would unlock hands. As he walked in the sea of children he came back and "said mommy I just want you" I reassured him everything would be fine and he has to walk to class like a "big boy", he turned around twice to see if I was still watching and proceeded into the building. My son knows at 3:40 I will be waiting outside of school for him. As we know God is always waiting for us. He allows us to make choices in our lives and regardless of the choice we know God will be there. We need to be more like my son and long for God's presence. My son longs to be with me because he finds comfort with me. What do you find comfort in? Does that comfort point to Christ or elsewhere? We need to seriously examine our lives and know that God is right where you are. You don't have to be at a certain point in your life to "get God". He's there with you now. Surrender yourself to him. We as pesky controlling humans cringe at the word surrender because we are bred to be independent, yet Christ gives us what we NEED not what we want. He knows us far better than we think we know ourselves. Let's be intentional about God and how we live. GO BE GREAT! -Ashley Alexandria @ashley_speaks_

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