Wednesday, October 15, 2014


"God I feel like people pick others over me. I don't understand how can that be? I thought we would always be besties." That's what I said as He said, "Daughter I have better for you, things for YOU to do. You have to let some stuff go so you can grow in me and truly see who I made you to be." "But Dad it's not fair, I feel alone and like some really don't care." I replied with my head down. "No need for a frown, I've known you from the start, I see those desires in your heart and if you trust totally in me I'll never flee. You will never be alone. I am with you dear. Stop shedding tears. You have no reason to fear. My son saved you from your sin now you must save you from what's within." He said. I wept and said "I'll trust you and wait too. It won't be easy but I surrender all to you. You have me, my life to use. I'll proclaim your name not for fame but because of the truth."

I tried to ignore this call on my life for a long time. Now everything has changed.  I'm growing and becoming someone that was hidden inside of me all along.  God is amazing and wants to use anyone that is willing.  I promise you its not easy but if I don't do what is asked souls will be lost. I want to tell you the TRUTH about God not someone's idea about him. This is about RELATIONSHIP not religion. I'll share my testimony on how I believed the Devils lies and even tried to commit suicide.  People hurt is real, but I'm being freed from people and it's the best feeling ever! Jesus  saves no doubt about it. Now go tell someone about Him♡

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